The book was given the endorsement of Mr. Fred Engh, President & CEO, of the National Alliance of Youth Sport

Mr. Fred Engh “believes as caring coaches, parents and administrators of programs, it is our responsibility to ensure that every child enjoys a positive experience in whatever activity they choose”

He recently called my story an "idyllic journey of joy and life's lessons through children's sports.” He also said that the book “says a lot about sports and growing up"

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Carli Lloyd Interview In Time Magazine really shows her dedication to the sport:
1. no friends or family at the World Cup Final
2. She's not getting married till after the Olympics in Rio.

And I heard from kids that went to high school with her that she was totally zoned in like that when she was in school. I am impressed!

She also commented on the inequities in the FIFA payouts for the winning sides in the Men's World Cup vs. the Women's. Highly inequitable. 35 million to the men of the German squad and 3 million to the women of the United States. That has to change. Maybe with some of these indictments we will make some progress.

Take care soccer mates.

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